Act land development applications

Consult Planning DA Diagram v4

For any development application there are 5 main parts in the development assessment process. These parts and the associated time frames as shown in sequence in the diagram below.

The development assessment process

Consult Planning DA Process

The development assessment process may not include all parts although Part 1 and Part 5 will apply to all development applications. Whether Parts 2, 3 or 4 applies depends on the circumstances that apply to a particular site or development proposal. The main parts to the process and the statutory timeframes that apply are explained in more detail as follows:

Part 1 – Application Part 2 – Referral Part 3 – Information Request

An Applicant can nominate to not receive an information request although this does not apply for an application for an ERA or for access to a state-controlled road, a variation request (s242 equivalent) and some other circumstances.

Part 4 – Public Notification Part 5 – Decision You can map your development application and timeframes using this free tool.

What it means

The Queensland planning system can appear complex and confusing to a novice so it’s important to get professional advice to help mitigate the risk of missing something important or misinterpreting information.

Regulations and assessment requirements are constantly changing. As town planning experts, we make it our business to stay informed.

It’s a risky business to assume your development will achieve the same outcome compared to a similar property next door or down the street. Site area, context, service availability, timing, latent conditions, and other constraints, can all affect the development potential of a site.

Town planners provide professional advice ranging from possible site constraints, all the way through to preparing development applications and achieving development approval.

It’s important to engage a planning professional for each unique development proposal. Generic advice is a poor substitute for site-specific guidance when you consider the many diverse issues possible, and potentially detailed regulatory requirements.