Financial market law governing the supervision of market infrastructures and markets derives from two federal acts, three Federal Council ordinances, two FINMA ordinances, one takeover Ordinance and one set of regulations.
This act regulates financial market infrastructures and derivatives trading.
This ordinance details a number of provisions set out in the Financial Market Infrastructure Act.
This FINMA ordinance elaborates on the provisions set out in the Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance.
The Financial Institutions Act lays down the requirements for financial institutions' activities (portfolio managers, trustees, managers of collective assets, fund management companies and securities firms). Various forms of securities trading require FINMA authorisation.
FinIO governs the authorisation of, and organisational requirements for, supervised financial institutions.
Applicable to banks and securities firms, this ordinance sets out that these institutions are required to keep sufficient capital available for the business they conduct, the risks they enter into, therefore limiting their risks accordingly.
Applicable to banks, securities firms and central mortgage bond institutions, this ordinance further defines the restructuring and bankruptcy proceedings set out in the Banking Act.
This ordinance specifies how integrity and transparency are to be assured in public takeover offers as well as the equal treatment of investors.