Washington Sublease Agreement Template

Washington Sublease Agreement Template

A Washington sublease agreement is a contract between an original tenant (or “sublessor”) that wants to rent out their property, such as a room or an entire apartment/home, and a new tenant (or “sublessee”). This document allows the sublessee to rent the property without the original tenant having to break the original lease.

Laws & Requirements

Sublease and Assignment Provision Laws: No.

Security Deposit Obligations: A sublessor should return the subtenant’s security deposit within 21 days of the end of the sublease.

Notices: A sublessor must give a subtenant 14 days’ written notice to pay rent or leave the property. They must also give 20 days’ written notice if they intend not to renew the sublease or the original lease.

Permission to Sublet

Tax Obligations

Lodging Taxes

Tax Rates

Filing Frequency

The filing frequency guidelines are as follows, per Wash. Admin. Code § 458-20-22801: