Ready to go back to college? Excellent decision! If you’ve already earned previous college credit, you’ll want to make sure your hard work counts toward your new degree. To find out how much of your prior credit you can transfer, you’ll need to obtain your college transcript. But how? And what if it’s been years since your last college attendance? No worries! We’ll answer your questions and walk you through all the steps to obtain your college transcript.
A college transcript is a list your courses, grades, major/minor (if you had one), credit hours and GPA you’ve earned at a college.
The school you last attended is always the best place to start when looking for your transcript. Your transcript can be requested in person, by mail or online.
We suggest ordering it online by following these steps:
Official transcripts are certified by the college and mailed to the receiving institution in a sealed envelope. This ensures that the transcript is unaltered and assures the receiving institution of its validity from the originating source. Official transcripts are usually only needed for formal college or job applications.
Unofficial transcripts can be downloaded and/or printed out by you or the college. An unofficial transcript is typically not accepted when formally applying to a college or job, but it allows you to review your transcript and work with an academic counselor to better understand how to transfer that credit.
For your call with our academic counselor, all you need is an unofficial transcript. This will allow us to see what prior credit you’ve earned and research where it can be transferred. The following documents are also acceptable if they’re easier for you to access: degree audits, degree evaluations, academic advising reports and even screenshots as long as the institution and student name are visible. Be sure to include all pages!
Unofficial transcripts can usually be emailed, downloaded and/or printed right away once you follow the college’s online instructions. For official transcripts, most universities require two to three working days to process after receiving the request in the transcript or records office.
Some universities offer a certain number of transcripts for free, and most offer unofficial transcripts at no charge. Official transcripts may have a fee ranging from $10-50 depending on the college.
Luckily, transcripts are available years after you attended or graduated from a college. If, by chance, the college you attended has closed, try to find out if it was part of a larger educational organization. The CDE recommends that you try to contact the parent organization first.
If you’re still unable to find the college or a branch of the college, try contacting any of the following organizations for help:
At Pearson Accelerated Pathways, we love to help students find degree plans that accept as much of their prior credit as possible. In fact, we do your college research for you… for free! Once you provide our academic counselor with your college transcripts, they'll conduct an intensive college research process based specifically on your goals and transferrable credit. Then you’ll get a custom College Options Report of the best colleges we found to fit your degree plan, schedule, budget, credit transfer and more. You’ll be able to make side-by-side college comparisons based on the most important factors to you. If you haven’t set up an appointment with one of our expert academic counselors yet, be sure to reach out today to get your free College Options Report!