Work at Parkview

Your job search at Parkview begins with our online job application tool. Your application will be delivered directly to our recruitment team and you will have 24/7 online access to check the status of your application.

After submitting your application, please check back frequently for updates. Changes in your status will be shown under Application History. The FAQ section contains more information about the application process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a list of current job openings?

Current job openings can be found here.

How do I contact Parkview if I have questions?

To learn more about Parkview career opportunities, text "Parkview" to 97211.

Where can I find resources about relocating?

If you’re considering relocation, you will want to learn about the unique cultural, educational and recreational opportunities in Fort Wayne, as well as throughout northeast Indiana. The following links provide insight into some of the factors that make northeast Indiana a great place to live and to work.

How do I submit an application for employment with Parkview Health?

The application can be found by clicking Apply at the bottom of the job posting.

What are the steps to completing an application?

Some applications have pre-qualification questions before you start the application. Answer all pre-qualification questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Complete all areas on the application. Parkview recommends that you upload or copy and paste a resume into the designated space of the application. Resumes must be accompanied by an on-line application for consideration.

Do I need to complete an application for each job position I am interested in?

Yes, separate applications must be submitted for each posted position you want to apply for. Even if the job titles are the same, a separate application is needed for each posting, as they may be in different departments, at different locations, have different schedules and/or shifts, etc.

What happens once I submit my application?

When you successfully complete an application, you will receive an automated e-mail notification to acknowledge receipt of the application. All applications are promptly entered into our database and made available to our team of recruiters. Applications are reviewed to determine whether they meet the requirements of the position. Additionally, a team member may contact you for additional information and/or to schedule an interview.

How can I check the status of my application?

You are able to log in to view your application history at any time. Retain your user name and password created at the time of application, as you will use these each time you check the status of your application. If there are any application status changes, they will be listed under applications. When you click on Applications under My Profile, you will see any applications that Parkview has received for you in the past six months.

How long will my application remain active?

Applications only remain active while the position remains open. Unfortunately, we cannot maintain all applications in our applicant database.

Can I modify my application once it has been submitted?

No, unfortunately once an application has been submitted it cannot be modified for that particular position. However, when applying to an alternate position, a new application can be created or your previous application can be copied and modified for the new position.

What browser and operating systems are needed for reviewing Parkview’s current openings and submitting applications for employment?

Parkview’s employment web page and application site works well with most browsers and most operating systems. Parkview recommends that you disable any pop-up blockers when visiting our site, since these may prevent you from being able to view some information. Parkview’s Current Job Listings page is mobile friendly.

Does Parkview work with search firms and placement agencies?

Parkview will only work with those agencies and placement firms who have a signed agreement on file with Parkview Health Talent Acquisition. Unsolicited resumes from search firms and placement agencies will not be accepted.